Saturday, September 29, 2007

Szeptember 30.

painting on the wall
- tiny dot on it?
or one has to peep in
- the motion sensor turns on
if you lean to the slot
- a drop of paint is dropped unnoticed
on your head from above

Friday, September 28, 2007

Szeptember 29.

painting a room single-coloured
each object remains on its place
- spraying the outer layer
(paintings, TV, carpets, window, bookshelf)
(if you lift the paper from the table,
the other on below it can be read)

Szeptember 28.

end! sign
like town name signs
- it blocks the road

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Szeptember 27.


Szeptember 26.

making such frame that doesn’t have vertical sides
its top and its bottom run all the way round the wall

Szeptember 25.

such book- a novel would be ideal
- it doesn’t advance page by page
- the first line runs all the way to the last page
and then the 2.,

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Szeptember 24.

it is.

Szeptember 23.

periscope cross on the church tower
- it leads inside the church
- this one is cross-shaped
- it reflects inside the blue of the sky

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Szeptember 22.

- in supermarkets
- in banks
- in shopping malls etc.
you get in there in the morning,
stand 8 hours on the same place
- ( a certain protest)
- you would surely get thrown out
(must be irritating)
(trying to record it, document it)
(* the word ”állás” means both ”job”
and ”standing” in Hungarian)

Szeptember 21.

roadside cross
it’s made of the same material
as the road signs indicating the side of the roads
- when the headlights light them up,
they dazzle you
- placing it after the hacked road sign
that shows the end of the town called GÖD

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Szeptember 20.

touchscreen tomb
- your life’s work is displayed on it
- or old family photos
home videos etc.
- I want a grave like this
- making a fictitious artist grave
(or giving it to St. Auby)

Szeptember 19.

pullover with a zip
- there are zips all along from the bottom to the top
- the whole pullover made from zips
- it can be unzipped into stripes

Monday, September 17, 2007

Szeptember 18.

a big crowd proceeds
standing behind them with a camera
shouting at them. the video would be silent
the crowd just turns towards you all of a sudden

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Szeptember 17.

covering my family with a black veil
- they are to stay like this
- they can talk if they want to

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Szeptember 16.

ALBUM - beautiful images about time
12 volumes- each volume has 3600 pages,
that is 1800 leaves (? maybe a bit too thick)
there is a dial on each page
it shows 1 sec more from page to page
(maybe 10 minutes volumes- only 600 pages)

Friday, September 14, 2007

Szeptember 15.

- two bound decks of French cards
- having them published

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Szeptember 14.

just do itweave a real hangman’s rope out of heaps of shoelaces
(“I watch my shoes, shoelaces on,
it just cannot be a prison” PETRI)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Szeptember 13.

making a Simpson family episode
it must be very good indeed!
or very serious, rough,
socio-documental, not funny- TRAGIC

Szeptember 12.

exhibiting in left luggage lockers at railway stations
- fitting them up
- different scales
- the 1:1 hole of a homeless
- doll’s house-like
- etc.
(the codes that open them are on the invitation card)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Szeptember 11.

piecing together a billboard from planks, branches,
twigs in the middle of a thick woods
- maybe in the middle of a clearing

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Szeptember 10.

cap with pompon
POMPON- as thought bubble
- a display with texts running on it?
- or only a video trick

Szeptember 9.

Inhabitable monument of forest thinking
(No Life mirror cavity)
- it can be shut with a cover
mirror box (NIGHT SHUTTER)
- beside it there is a high-seat-like mirror box of the same size
- maybe video connection

Szeptember 8.

fashionable, transparent electrical appliances
- one inside the other
- an other one inside that one etc.
(perhaps there is something different inside)

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Szeptember 7.

it’s water is boiling
(hidden hotplate?)

Augusztus 6.

the wall of the exhibition hall is full of tiny holes
the holes are for jacks
visitors can plug in their earphones
- it would be beautiful in a flat in a block of flats
- like a physician who examines the sigh
- perhaps it could be done with LCD images somehow

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Szeptember 5.

1 day of the average person
- a polling firm surveyed the time
spent on different actions per person,
broken down by 24 hours
e.g. 4 min sweeping
7 min having a bath
3 min doing the dishes etc.
- video?
living the 24 hours of the average person

Monday, September 3, 2007

Szeptember 4.

books are placed parquet-like on the floor
the same book,
but each of them is turned one page further
compared to the one before
(lots of unsold books-
the piled artistic catalogues are topical)

Szeptember 3.

lots of cameras- with open LCD’s
piled up at an exhibition
some sort of video runs on each of them
their small bodies quietly tremble

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Szeptember 2.

BLINK (the name of trendy, shiny, cool American stuffs)
- e.g. the bouncing Cadillac (RAP clips)
- spinning, shiny hubcaps
- asphalt lights
(the best is the ”dance” triggered by the engines attached
to the shock absorbers)
- making an American police car into a BLINK
- or even a Hungarian police Zsiguli

(Zsiguli used to be the typical make of police cars)

Szeptember 1.

(play on words; impossible to translate and explain)


Augusztus 31.

setting alarm-clocks in such a way
that they go off in succession